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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Star Writer


Pupils at St Joseph’s love writing!  This passion is seen across the school from the Foundation Stage to Year 6, in pupils’ books, displays in the learning environment and in lessons.  Through writing we transform ourselves into poets, authors and journalists; each year group has something to celebrate.  In the autumn term Year 6 produced work to rival Shakespeare himself, whilst the pupils in Year 2 had a royal theme to their writing following a visit to Windsor Castle!  Year 4 enjoyed the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Year 5 reported on ancient adventures from the past, Year 1 have created magnificent poems and Year 3 have become Roald Dahl experts!

Take some time to read a selection of pupils’ work. Our ‘Star Writer’ award celebrates all the fantastic writing at St Joseph’s.

Please look at the appropriate Year group page above for the Star Writers work.