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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Year 1


Welcome to Year 1!

Year 1 is a very exciting year in your child’s school life where the children will learn and enjoy a range of new and exciting experiences.  This year, your child will move onto the learning based around the National Curriculum (2014). We will endeavor to instill a love of learning in each and every one of the children in Year 1 and to inspire, motivate and challenge children’s imaginations using our four creative curriculum topics:

Busy Bears - taught across the curriculum - the children will be exploring two books based around bears where they will study the language used and build upon the vocabulary they already have. They will also have the opportunity to design and make their own moving picture as part of the design and technology curriculum.

Wild Weather - the children will learn about the different seasons and the extreme weather associated with each.

Once Upon a Time - A fairytale topic where children will learn about different fairytales and will have the opportunity to make their own fairytale puppet. 

It’s Alive - In this topic the children will have a chance to explore a range of different types of wildlife, hatch butterflies and take a trip to Paradise Wildlife Park!

Please click on the attachments below for further information.