Catholic Life & Mission
At St. Joseph's, our Mission Statement 'In the Light of Jesus we Learn to Shine' is central to our school. It inspires our curriculum design, is the basis for policy decisions and underpins our whole school culture and ethos; something which we are extremely proud of. As the children develop and mature they are encouraged to put their faith into practice in their own lives, through their interactions with others and kindness and generosity to those less fortunate, both within our local community and further afield.
We provide many opportunities to enhance and develop the Catholic Life of the school including:
Dedicated prayer spaces across the school
Faith Ambassadors and Pupil Led Liturgies
Advent & Lenten services for pupils and parents
Explicit teaching of Catholic Virtues through 'Monday Moments'
Serving Local and Global Communities including: 'Young @ Heart Cafe', Caritas, Radio Maria and CAFOD
Partnership working with local schools
Priests from our local parishes regularly celebrate Mass and other liturgical events. Our clergy also support during RE lessons by visiting classes to further enhance the children's knowledge and skills and to help them develop a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith.
St Joseph's has a strong culture of welcome. Its Catholic identity is in evidence throughout the school. The environment is inviting and shows a community deeply rooted in the word of God. This is a community looking after its most vulnerable in a caring and respectful manner. It is a highly inclusive community where everyone feels welcomed and valued. Leaders and Governors ensure that Christ is always at the heart of the school. Governors make a highly significant contribution to the Catholic life and mission of the school.
CSI Inspection November 2024