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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

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  • June 2024

    Published 01/07/24

    On Tuesday 25 June we celebrated Cultural Diversity Day at St Joseph’s. It was a truly amazing day and the children and staff enjoyed learning about the different cultures with food, music, dance, dress and artefacts.

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  • May 2024

    Published 25/05/24

    This month we also have prayed to Mary, Our Mother, to ask for her guidance and support. We have learned more about the Rosary and how it can help us focus in our prayers.

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  • March 2024

    Published 16/04/24

    During this season we are preparing for Easter, the most important feast in the Church year. Through the six weeks of Lent, we are called to listen more closely to God and invited to show kindness and love towards others, as well as reflect on the way we live our lives. We are encouraged to take more time to pray, to give something up which we enjoy and to give to those in need.


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  • February 2024

    Published 21/02/24

    This week the children received ashes to mark the start of Lent. At school we take time during Lent to consider our choices, repent and say sorry to God for the things we have done and also to think of those less fortunate than ourselves.

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  • January 2024

    Published 16/01/24

    As we return to school after the Christmas period we have talked to the children about the fresh start that a new year brings.  In assemblies we have reminded the children that we are a faith community whose aim is to live out the Gospel values by showing  love, kindness and tolerance to everyone, as Jesus did.


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  • December 2023

    Published 15/12/23

    During the season of Advent, we have been preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas.

    We have been reminding the children that this is a time to reflect and consider if we are ready for the day when Jesus will return as He promised. In school we have been preparing for this special celebration through prayers, assemblies, and Religious Education lessons.

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  • November 2023

    Published 22/11/23

    In November we take special care to remember in our prayers those we have loved who have died.

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  • October 2023

    Published 23/10/23

    The Rosary:

    October is the month of the Rosary.  In school during assemblies and class collective worship, we have been exploring and praying parts of the Rosary with the children.  We ask parents and children to continue to pray the Hail Mary at home as a family.

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  • September 2023

    Published 26/09/23

    Education Sunday was celebrated on the 10th September with Churches together in England and Catholic Dioceses across the country. The theme this year is ‘Together in Mission’ and during our RE lessons the children will have an opportunity to reflect on their role in working together as we continue to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. We would ask families to spend some time in prayer as a family using the resources we have sent home.

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