Vision and Mission
At St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary school we strive to explicitly live out the Catholic ethos and Mission Statement of our school underpinning all that we do:
‘In the Light of Jesus we Learn to Shine’
We are a Catholic community that gives daily witness to the Gospel values proclaimed by Jesus. Through the teaching of Christ together we are all:
Growing in self confidence
- We celebrate all achievement
- We promote positive behaviour
- We celebrate and reward all achievement
Growing in knowledge and understanding
- We plan and teach lessons that deepen pupils’ knowledge and understanding and enable them to develop a range of skills across the curriculum
- We provide a rich and engaging curriculum
- We offer a wide a range of activities and resources to support our curriculum and learning
Growing our individual skills and talents
- We promote and celebrate the wide range of individual skills and talents in our school community
- We offer and promote a wide range of opportunities for the whole school community
Growing our community
- We recognise the need to care for and show respect for one another
- We recognise that we are part of a wider community outside of the school
Growing our friendships
- We welcome and support all new members to our school community
- We reach out to those in need within our school and the world-wide community
- We grow together in our friendship with Jesus
Growing in love and appreciation of God’s world
- We celebrate and promote the importance of prayer every day
- We promote the spiritual and moral development of each individual within our school community
- We will care for our environment and appreciate God’s World
Following in the footsteps of Christ we work, play, pray and grow together.
“I am the light of the world: He that follows me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light” (John 8:12)