Year 5 Trip to the Safety Centre
Keeping us safe and secure
In year 5 we were taken by quite a surprise when we found ourselves on the back of the coach, racing towards Milton Keynes. We were being shipped off to Milton Keynes for a lesson on safety. We were in for quite a treat but yet we didn’t know what. In less than half an hour we had camped up stairs(5jm and 5ab) and downstairs(5js and 5dh) as we, ravenous kids, started munching our food.
Later on, we were stupendously intrigued by our first sights of the safety centre and you will never believe this - it owned real roads, bus stops and pedestrian crossings.
Us kids were ecstatic when we found out WE were going to make 999 CALLS. To our luck it wasn’t the real deal, a man was answering our phone calls (phew). When we thought our embarrassing and exhausting day was over, we found out that the teacher ordered OUR 999 CALLS ON TAPE.
This half term all year 5 classes have been to the safety centre in Milton Keynes to learn about safety. This was a very fun and educational trip. All staff enjoyed it, mostly because they got to see the children calling 999. The children really enjoyed the trip as it was action packed trip full of scary situations.
Shea and Natalie